MacOS Setup for PHP Dev

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I wanted a simple, basic Mac OSX setup for PHP dev. With as little as possible manual work.

My current work as you from a previous post is:

  • Symfony 5
  • Api-Platform
  • VueJS front end

Mac OSX 10.15.5 comes with php 7.3.11 out of the box. That was high enough for my initial dev.

So here were my steps:

  1. Install composer (command line)
  2. install node (npm), used the pkg from their website
  3. added yarn (command line)
  4. Installed Docker (from website)
  5. installed symfony (command line)

Done, I was now up and running. My previous mac had homebrew setup, with higher PHP version, so copying my projects over didn’t work immediately, I had to delete vendor folder and composer.lock and run composer install